Sam Shelton


Connection: Rob Belk of Rambull profiled Sam a few weeks back and after he learned of her interesting recommendations he sent her my way knowing she’d be perfect for the iivy, and I’m so glad he did! In her line of work it’s important to be on top of the latest styles and trends, and being a mother she appears to know how to balance it all. After reading through her responses I decided I needed more so I went over to her Substack “Sam’s Seven” where she recommends 7 things a week that she’s eyeing, buying, reading, and watching. BRB, going to Paris to buy this lip balm.

Name: Sam Shelton

Location: San Francisco, CA

Profession: Art Director & Stylist

Self-Description: Art aficionado, fashion expert, food world wannabe. California resident with a penchant for the finer things in life, like Waffle House. Always in pursuit of beautiful places and things.

On health & wellness

What is something you changed in your life, to change your life for the better? Writing my thoughts and/or to-do's down on a physical pad of paper totally changed everything for me. It's so silly but a handwritten to-do list that sits on my kitchen table keeps me on track. It helps on anxious days when you're spinning and feel like you have a million things to do, and for those aha moments that just as quickly slip away. Things get cluttered on my phone with so many notes and calendar appointments, so it's nice to constantly be referencing and editing a physical paper to-do. Plus, crossing off a completed task is oh so satisfying.

What advice, inspiration, or motivation can you share to encourage someone to take care of their body, mind, or soul? Getting outside for a walk, even if it's just for 15 minutes between calls. When I'm in the foulest of moods it always turns them around.

What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? One of my favorite things to do with my friends is go to the ballet. It's something my husband never wants to do and it's such a fun evening to be immersed in such beauty and athleticism. Couple that with a nice dinner or post-show drink and it's my ideal night out!

On business

Tell us about your business. I'm an art director and stylist, so I spend majority of my time on photoshoots working for different brands and companies. I also do some private client styling and write a weekly Substack, where I distill down my 7 recommendations for the week. Ranging from fashion finds to hotels, TV/book recommendations, and child must-haves, it’s a consolidated list of current things worth devoting time to.

Were you always interested in it or did you fall into it? There was never any doubt in my mind I'd purse something in the fashion world - there was no alternative plan. However, I had no idea I'd end up doing what I'm doing. I didn't know this job existed back in the day! I majored in Fashion Design and realized I would be an unpaid intern forever in the very expensive city of New York unless I pivoted, so from there began testing out different careers within the industry. One thing led to another and I was fortunate to have some wonderful mentors along the way who helped get me to where I am today.

What is your favorite part of your work? The collaboration and working with so many talented people. From bouncing ideas around with the photographer to collaborating on outfits with the stylist and pitching ideas for fabulous locations, it's such a fun line of work and one I don't take for granted.

What advice would you give someone who is looking to get into the same industry? Always say yes, always be willing to do the grunt work, and do whatever is necessary to get your foot in the door.

On motherhood

What advice would you give a new mom who is going through it for the first time? Everything is a phase. Even when it feels like the longest phase of all time, it'll pass in due time and you'll get through it.

Was motherhood something that came naturally to you or did it take some time to find your rhythm? This question made me laugh because it was absolutely the latter. It took a long time to find my rhythm in retrospect. As soon as I'd get into a groove my son would hit some new milestone and throw everything out of whack.

Is there anything you'd want to say to women who are currently pregnant for the first time? Good luck and god speed ;)

What is something you would tell a mom to start doing now to have as a keepsake later? Try to be off your phone as best as possible, so you can actually be in the moment.

The full list of favorable mentions are linked below with a brief description.

What is the best type of gift to give, or a go-to one for you? It’s always a treat to get to visit Officine Universelle Buly when in Paris - such a gorgeous store stocked with amazing beauty products. My dear friend gifted me one of their lip balms for my birthday and it made for such a special gift with the personalized exterior, that it's become my go-to gift. Luckily, they now ship internationally, so you can order without a trip overseas. What do you never leave the house without? My Ossa iphone case + wristlet. After accidentally flinging my phone outside of a safari jeep in the middle of the Masaai Mara, I broke down and bought one of these Ossa wristlet cases in an attempt to keep a better hold on my belongings and it's been a game changer. I have a propensity for getting my phone lost in-between car and airplane seats, and this strap has helped tremendously - it also makes it easier to fish out of an oversized handbag or go hands free on a walk. Current artist/playlist: I've been jamming to Wax Jackets lately. My favorite fly-fishing guide in Idaho turned me onto them. His brother is the lead singer - same lead singer for the band Caamp if you're familiar with them and it's been easy, groovy summer listening. Book recommendation: The God of the Woods by Liz Moore was my favorite summer read and I'm struggling to find a new book that compares. A mystery about a missing child whose disappearance sends equal shockwaves through three very different worlds - the local blue-collar community, the teen summer camp and the wealthy family who own an opulent Adirondack summer estate on the grounds of the camp. I was a little apprehensive about starting a 400+ page book (I don’t exactly have an abundance of spare time with a toddler + working full time), but it was captivating from the start and I couldn’t wait to find out the ending. Makeup product: Fenty Gloss Bomb Heat Lip Luminizer + Plumper. I was initially turned onto this Fenty lipgloss by a girlfriend and I love it so much, I’m on my third tube. A lip luminizer and plumper that delivers a hint of tint and a nice glossy finish, I’m partial to the sheer pink “Fu$$y” colorway. Skincare product: True Botanicals Pure Radiance Face Oil. It’s the best! It leaves you moisturized, glow-y and the best part is that you can layer makeup on top of it and you won’t have any weird pilling. My mom and I both swear by this stuff. Newborn, toddler, or teenager product: The best gift I received as a new mom was a Tata Harper beauty set with a face mask, scrub and moisturizer. Everyone is always sending things for the baby but it was such a treat to receive something for myself. Especially in those early weeks, it was so special to have something that made me feel a little more human. Kids Brand: Oso & Me is one of my favorite children’s brands (and they’re based in SF!). Their clothes are so soft, cute, and they offer monograming on lots of their products which makes for a great gift. Small business we should support: One Trick Pony Peanut Butter. Truthfully I didn’t realize what real, pure peanut butter tasted like until I had OTP and it’s unlike any traditional store brand that I’d previously had. Favorite store in another state/country: John Derian in New York. I especially love it during the holiday season, when it's floor to ceiling Christmas magic. There's no better store for ornament shopping or for being immersed in the wonderful world of John Derian.

Want to follow Sam?

Instagram: @samkiddshelton


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